
Each morning, I say hello to the trees (among other things). Trees are amazing, they reach from the sky and put roots down into the ground.

What's special about them is that trees are symbolic of how we are to live. We reach to Creator for wisdom, revelation, insight, and salvation, and put roots into the Earth for life, balance, stability, nurturing, and calmness.

Trees don't have to think about growing, they just do! Their intention is part of their DNA, just like ours! We put our roots out and our limbs out to the six directions and set our intention to grow and expand. 

Sometimes we feel stagnant in our growth. Trees seem to grow ever so slowly, until you realize you have to trim them all over again. They've been growing bit by bit, quietly, slowly, surely. We grow bit by bit also, when we are curious and wonder. When we reach for truth like a tree reaches for the sun.

And then as the male energy of the canopy comes down to meet the female energy coming up from the roots, they meet in the middle and there is balance. Unity. Peace.

Be a tree. Sit with tree-ness. Send your limbs to seek truth from the Christ of the Universe, and plant your roots deep in the Earth to stay grounded.



Mountain spirit

