
Healing is the main objective in our work as Transforming Lives. To help people be “saved,” that is, to be made whole

Jesus EmPowers our Healing Efforts …

We follow the teachings of Jesus. We believe that the Christ-Spirit who created the universe incarnated in the man, Jesus. Jesus said, “All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth.”

We ask the Spirit to do the work of healing by the authority of the Christ of the Universe through us as a conduit or hollow bone.

Healing occurs on many levels - physical, emotional, cognitive, spiritual as well as to overcome life’s challenges. It’s an amazing process and we are humbled to be part of it.


What We Offer

  • Life Coaching and Supportive Listening (we do not function as therapists)

  • Spiritual Direction

  • Pastoral Guidance and Support

  • Healing of the body through Bio-Energetic Body-Work

  • Grief and Trauma support

  • Sessions, conducted face-to-face or remotely. We have many successes with remote healing

  • Using sound, smudging, plants, and feathers for healing, whatever is necessary

We use shamanic techniques coupled with

our Christ-centered service because they provide

the greatest variety of ways to bring healing (described below).

We would love to have a confidential conversation with you to see how we might meet or fulfill a need of yours.

Here are some of our shamanic services that might benefit you :

(If you have any questions about our “shamanic” methods, please contact us. You wouldn’t be the first or the last person not to have heard of them)

  • Extraction. Many people have acquired negative energy by being exposed to unhealthy relationships. We can extract this.

  • Cleansing and Protection. Some folks have been exposed to some questionable spiritual sources. Let us clean you up, or your living space, and show you how to protect yourself.

  • Soul Retrieval and Soul Re-unification. Trauma has a way of disconnecting vulnerable parts of ourselves, which hide themselves in order to survive the possibility of future trauma. We can help find that hidden soul-part, and integrate it with your larger, present-day, healed self.

  • Healing Path. You may be a person who has a physical issue and can’t figure out what’s happening to you. Let us help you get on a healing path.

  • Soul Transition. Sally and Steve help prepare people to pass into the after-life by doing pre-passing, cross-over work (through journey work) or post-passing work (through psychopomp). The veil between our “middle-earth world” and the after-life is quite thin!!

  • Blessing. Then there are some people that just need to be blessed. We are happy to do that.

It all starts with an initial visit. Then we work with you to design a healing process that is unique and agreeable.

Services are $150/hour for our healing and empowerment services, but we operate with a sliding $$ scale.

To contact us for more information or to set up a session, visit our COMMUNITY Page.