
Some shifts are BIG, and some shifts are small. A shift is knowing that something is changing, or is about to change inside you. 

 Maybe it’s something that needed to change, or that you wanted to change but couldn’t figure out how to get it done. Some shifts occur when we don’t want them; these don’t last. Others are long in coming and we are glad when they happen. We are ready for the much needed change.

 Our ego would like to control the kind and intensity of our shifting. That way everything would be logical and in its proper place. But then the shift would only happen in our head. That way we could stay in control of our shift – something that’s rational, logical, approvable, “fit-able” within social guidelines. These shifts usually don’t last long; they are weak despite the “power” of their insights to us.

 The most powerful shifts are ones we have no control over. They can be subtle like a gentle but persevering rain, or in slap you in the face. The ones in our face often drive us to our knees in sorrow, need for confession and forgiveness, a weight to be removed from our shoulders. They often move us toward the Void, an uncertain future of potential change. They make us feel uncomfortable in a good way.

 Jesus said the Spirit blows where it wants to. We get whiffs of times of shifting headed our way. But if they are of S/spirit, they come in their own time, in their own way, with as much power as needed to produce change. The question is, are we open to them?

When you “smell” a shift coming, set the ego aside. Open the heart, sit quietly. Pray deeply. Yield. Don’t over-analyze. Hold the shift with an open hand. See what it says and where it seems to want to take you. Such is the action of S/spirit.

 If you can say to a friend, “I feel a shift coming. Don’t know quite what it’s about, but it’s coming,” – that’s a good thing. And a good friend will be happy for you and support you, listen with a non-judgmental ear, and do everything they can to make things happen for you. Because they know the power of a shift.

